Dr. Eadie’s Published Research
A unique case of glaucoma associated with heterotopic bone formation in the anterior chamber angle [Nov 10, 2023]
Fig. 1. (A) Anterior view of the patient’s right eye, showing inferior and temporal deposits of white material (yellow arrows). (B) Gonioscopic view of the materials in the anterior chamber angle. (C) Ultrasound biomicroscopy image highlighting the position of the deposits over the anterior chamber angle. (D) Surgical removal of the deposit with microforceps.
Ab interno trabeculectomy revision with 5-flourouracil for failed trabeculectomy in advanced glaucoma: 3-year outcomes [Jan 27, 2024]
Fig. 1. Mean intraocular pressure (IOP; with 95% CI) and number of topical IOP-lowering drops (with 95% CIs) after ab interno revision. Last IOP measurement before any subsequent additional glaucoma surgery (n = 7) was carried forward with the remaining number of eyes included in parentheses.
Medications for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder associated with increased risk of developing glaucoma [May 26, 2024]
CONCLUSIONS: Use of amphetamines and atomoxetine had a higher risk for ACG, while use of methylphenidate was associated with a higher risk for OAG. Given the prevalence of ADHD medication use (medically and recreationally), our current data on Their associated risk of glaucoma have profound public health implications.
Increased risk of pigmentary degeneration of the iris and pigmentary glaucoma with fluoroquinolone antibiotics [July 29, 2024]
CONCLUSIONS: The study findings suggest that patients using topical moxifloxacin may have increased risk of developing pigmentary degeneration of the iris and pigmentary glaucoma although the absolute increase was low. Future studies are needed to confirm this association.
A printed version of the above articles are available in our clinic.